Call Your Senator

phone numbers of Democratic Senators' offices
in Washington, DC
and in home districts

as of January 4, 2001

It's a little-known fact: Members of Congress take phone calls to their offices very seriously. Especially when they're from constituents, and when a pattern quickly emerges on a particular issue. They look at emails too, but phone calls are more live, personal and immediate, and have a long tradition behind them.

Staff people carefully log the subjects of all phone calls, monitor them closely, and often will brief their boss every day if some significant new issue is emerging. Even a few dozen phone calls can be enough to get high-level attention on an issue.

So, if you doubt the power of your single voice (and who could, after seeing the Florida election get decided by a few dozen votes), know this: your voice will be heard right now, on the issue of the Florida electors, if you call your Senator's office. If you'd like to keep it an inexpensive or local call, just phone their office in your state. Call their office in Washington DC too, if you can.

What to say? Keep it short and sweet; the people answering the phones are just folks like you. Tell them you're very concerned about the legal status of the Florida Electors, and that you want them to support a motion on Saturday, January 6 before the Joint Session of Congress to debate the acceptance of those Electors before Congress. Ask them to see the TrustthePeople website at for details, and tell them that several members of the House are already committed to raising the issue.

Why Senators? It only takes one member of the House, and one member of the Senate, to raise the issue and lead to a mandatory debate. We have worked hard to communicate with the House, and several House members are ready to stand up and be counted on Saturday. Senators, being traditionally more conservative and slow to act, have not been so quick to commit, though many of them have listened seriously to the issue, and are considering it right now.

They need your encouragement, and your support.

Even if you've never acted politically before, now is a good time to start. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get through, and how closely your call will be heeded. Really.

Why Democrats? To be honest, we think Republicans should be equally concerned about sending questionable Electors from Florida to Congress; it affects every American, of every party. But questioning those Electors may be seen by Republicans as a vote against their leader, the President-elect, George W. Bush (it's not; it's a vote for democracy in America). If you want to try calling a Republican Senator, of course you should do that as well. Their contacts are all available, by clicking this link to the Senate website: [*][*][*][*]

Here are the phone numbers; please take five minutes:


State Member DC office District office
AR Blanche Lambert Lincoln 202-224-4843 501-375-2993
CA Dianne Feinstein 202-224-3841 619-231-9712
CA Barbara Boxer 202-224-3553 415-403-0100
CT Christopher Dodd 202-224-2823 860-240-3470
CT Joseph Lieberman 202-224-4041 860-549-8463
DE Joseph Biden 202-224-5042 302-573-6345
DE Tom Carper 202-224-2441  
FL Bob Graham 202-224-3041 305-536-7293
FL Bill Nelson 202-224-5274  
GA Joseph Maxwell Cleland 202-224-3521 404-331-4811
GA Zell Miller 202-224-3643 404-347-2202
HI Daniel Inouye 202-224-3934 808-541-2542
HI Daniel Kahikina Akaka 202-224-6361 808-522-8970
IA Tom Harkin 202-224-3254 515-284-4574
IL Richard Durbin 202-224-2152 217-492-4062
IN B. Evan Bayh 202-224-5623 317-554-0750
LA John Breaux 202-224-4623 504-589-2531
LA Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824 504-589-2427
MA Edward M. Kennedy 202-224-4543 617-565-3170
MA John Forbes Kerry 202-224-2742 617-565-8519
MD Paul Sarbanes 202-224-4524 410-962-4436
MD Barbara Mikulski 202-224-4654 301-263-1805
MI Carl Levin 202-224-6221 313-226-6020
MI Debbie Stabenow 202-224-4822  
MN Paul David Wellstone 202-224-5641 651-645-0323
MN Mark Dayton 202-224-3244  
MO Jean Carnahan 202-224-6154  
MT Max Baucus 202-224-2651 406-329-3123
NC John Edwards 202-224-3154 919-856-4245
ND Kent Conrad 202-224-2043 701-232-8030
ND Byron Dorgan 202-224-2551 701-250-4618
NE Ben Nelson 202-224-6551  
NJ Robert Torricelli 202-224-3224 973-624-5555
NJ Jon Corzine 202-224-4744  
NM Jeff Bingaman 202-224-5521 505-988-6647
NV Harry Reid 202-224-3542 775-885-9111
NY Charles Schumer 202-224-6542 212-486-4430
NY Hillary Clinton 202-224-4451  
OR Ron Wyden 202-224-5244 503-326-7525
RI John F. 'Jack' Reed 202-224-4642 401-943-3100
SC Ernest Hollings 202-224-6121 803-765-5731
SD Thomas Daschle 202-224-2321 605-225-8823
SD Tim P. Johnson 202-224-5842 605-332-8896
VT Patrick Leahy 202-224-4242 802-863-2525
WA Patty Murray 202-224-2621 206-553-5545
WA Maria Cantwell 202-224-3441  
WI Herbert Kohl 202-224-5653 414-297-4451
WI Russ Feingold 202-224-5323 608-828-1200
WV Robert Byrd 202-224-3954 304-342-5855
WV Jay Rockefeller 202-224-6472 304-347-5372

Last Updated on 1/4/01
By Michael North